
Tech stocks are still strong!

Stocks: 51%

Cash: 49%



S&P 500 ($SPY): +0.77%

DOW J ($DIA): -0.08%

NASDAQ ($NSDQ100): +2.01%

My portfolio: +1.95%


Even though I only held around 50% stocks, I still beat S&P 500, DOW J and almost kept up with NASDAQ by several successful day trades. I sold some stocks in traditional industries such as $BA when they rose due to the news of the effective vaccine because I considered the rise an “over-reaction”. I would be willing to buy some back when their prices correct. Currently, I have 51% stocks and 49% cash. I will take profits if NASDAQ keeps rising. I think there are too many companies over-valued now, so I don’t plan to buy them when they rise. However, if the market starts to fall, I am willing to buy some and hold around 60% to 70% stocks.


Besides, as mentioned before, although $NIO was my second frequently-traded stock, I don’t plan to buy it now because it rose too much these days. I would only be willing to buy back if it drops to 35 or 30. $NIO will release its 2020 Q3 financial report on Nov 17. I think there is a chance that $NIO may fall after the report because investors’ expectation was too high. I currently have 0 $NIO , and my budget for it is 8.






股票: 51%

現金: 49%



標普500 ($SPY): +0.77%

道瓊 ($DIA): -0.08%

那斯達克 ($NSDQ100): +2.01%

我的投資組合: +1.95%




此外,如之前提及,雖然蔚來 ($NIO) 曾是我第二頻繁交易的股票,這幾天我並不打算買入做波段,我計畫在蔚來跌到3530以下再開倉。蔚來將會於11/17發布2020第三季度財報,我認為其很有可能在財報發布後經歷一些回調,畢竟投資者對於這間公司的期望太高了。目前我持有0倉蔚來,而我的預算為8倉。






若你已經有eToro帳戶,卻不知道投資哪些股票,也不妨直接跟單派翠克的交易!派翠克並不會向任何跟單者收取傭金費用哦!推薦最低跟單金額為500美金,這樣才能確保跟單到我的每筆交易 😀😀





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